Cancer takes a piece of everyone.
My Seventh Day. Not a "day to rest," I'm going to keep going, no matter what. Especially THIS Topic. because CANCER is an evil thing that eventually terrorizes EVERYONE. Not you? OK, not YOU, not yet. Well, how about someone you KNOW? Someone you LOVE. Someone who's very, very SICK. Someone who is DYING. Someone who DIED.
Tough words, but not as frightening as the sad moment your physician reads the radiologist's report to YOU, or to the person sitting next to you. They found "something." Next step, they will cut you, and remove part of the CANCER. It's called a biopsy.
Might not be worth doing if the CANCER cells are going to kill you, because it is a very dangerous type of CANCER that usually cannot be treated successfully. Or because it has METASTASIZED. That's a big Doctor's word. S/he knows what THAT means, and might use a simple phrase. How about "We may be TOO LATE, because the CANCER has SPREAD. We will do everything we can, to save your LIFE." Can they? Maybe. Do they? They'll try.
People who spend their lives learning their profession, and USE their knowledge and skill to fix something deserve every red cent they earn. Plumbers, Architects, EMTs, Firefighters, many, many others. But the Medical profession is one of the special ones. The people who earn their place within Medicine have my admiration. And those who must deliver such awful news has a tough, stressful job. Because they have to do that over and over. I could NEVER do what they must do. Even ONCE.
CANCER is what it is. It's called a "disease," but I prefer to think of it as NON-contagious CONDITION, Even innocent CHILDREN "get" CANCER. Tragic, unfair. But Medical intervention is able to get a poor kid back from disaster, through recovery more often these days. New treatment plans, new "medicines." Side effects, who cares? A little child is SAVED, and that's a Happy Ending. Perfect!
CANCER can spread if it has enough time to grow. My (step)FATHER banished the Sadist from us when he came into our lives. "Red" (his nickname) did everything for us, from Day One. So I LOVED him, enough to be at his bedside at the moment he died. Ugly, ugly scene, forever. I have to say this. A 200+ pound MAN was, at the end, a (barely) living SKELETON. Enough.
MEDICAL SCIENCE, as practiced by the people you see in the hospital, offers HOPE. However, the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical INDUSTRY needs to hear some words, right NOW, And here they are: NONE OF THE (so-called by activists) "Big Pharma" companies GIVES A RAT'S BEHIND ABOUT ANYTHING EXCEPT M-O-N-E-Y.
WALL STREET limits what BIG PHARMA can do. Period. The stock price MUST not go DOWN, never. Because "investors," like the Big (ugh) BANKS, will sell. So what, you say. Here's what. There are many RARE conditions/diseases around, ignored, with NO research underway. Money again? Very good guess, and that should make people angry. Hey, the "Government" can fix it? Get real. The government is US. YOU and I, and every citizen. Has the FDA
SAD FACT. The reality is that there isn't enough MONEY to be made from some diseases/conditions to cover the research costs. Why bother trying to develop a pill to help very few people? Well, MY answer would be to alleviate suffering, and save lives. Every word I write is MEANT. Every hour of every day, someone DIES because "there isn't enough money in it, so forget it." I'll wager that sentence can be found on many documents in BIG PHARMA file cabinets. DISGRACEFUL. Enough.
THE CURE. Here's something I've always wondered about. A ZILLION pills. All kinds of diseases and conditions, like CANCER. How many actually just TREAT the problem, but NEVER FIX IT. Oooh, MONEY again? You can bet your LIFE on THAT, because you ARE. Wall Street bets, also. A CURE? Hey, I am a cynic. Why would BIG PHARMA do if they CURED some big human destroyer? No more pills, no more MONEY. You're thinking, "What about POLIO?" A triumph of two Doctors named Salk and Sabin, who stopped kids from SUFFERING. Back then, Wall Street was too busy investing in DEATH, Billions to buy military stuff to defeat the Commies.
Might not be a problem with the WALL STREET PIGS. After all, BIG PHARMA can go on, banging out plenty (TOO MANY) OPIOIDS. You may have heard this in the news. Drug addicts abuse them, and DIE. But don't worry, BIG PHARMA has a CURE. Because they can make MONEY, selling a CURE, for the problem they CREATED. Only in America.
PREVENTION. I'll tell you that can beis the real CURE for anything, To borrow a phrase, used to caution drug abusers, JUST SAY NO to JUNK "FOOD." Just STOP, right NOW, and think. Are you eating your way to SICKNESS? Next time you buy food, buy HEALTHY STUFF. Spend more time in the Produce section. Yes, fruits and veggies, sorry. Less room in the csrt by the time you get to the aisles YOU must AVOID. Boxes, boxes, boxes.
EXPENSIVE processed food with a list of cheap ingredients that require lots of work in the FOOD FACTORY. I said lots of WORK, not lots of WORKERS. Yes, your meal was prepared and boxed by a MACHINE. More money for Wall Street, junk food for YOU. Only if you let them do it, by falling for their expensive TV ads, paid for when you load your cart with their boxes. One thing I do. I take NO CHANCES with my HEALTH.
For all my life, I have taken pills. VITAMINS and other stuff. Boring, but please read on, because I am trying to HELP YOU, but you must HELP YOURSELF. Don't copy what I do, OK? But at least consider doing something for YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. Mine defends ME, and YOU need to think. If it can't overcome the next bug that bites, you get SICK. Help YOURSELF, OK?
1. A MULTI VITAMIN/MINERAL SUPPLEMENT. Different formulation for gals/guys.
--- Unless you eat a "perfect" diet, this is like "insurance."
2. TURMERIC. If you only can/want to take one antioxidant. A powder form can be added to food.
--- The "most powerful anti-oxidant" (IMMUNE SYSTEM booster) there is, many say.
3. ZINC. It works. Viruses alter themselves to spread better. Lots of "Cold viruses" out there.
--- If exposed previously to an old one, you're immune. A new one comes along, uh-oh.
4. B-COMPLEX. It doubles the B vitamins in the multi-vitamin. It's an energy booster for ME.
5. VITAMIN C. I still think Linus Pauling was right. An IMMUNE SYSTEM booster.
6. VITAMIN D3. IF YOU DON'T GO OUT IN THE SUNSHINE (Winter, maybe?) Vitamin D3.
The ONLY vitamin produced by your body (and sunshine), to use of calcium for your bones.
Doctors now test for D, because people can lose calcium as the body steals calcium from bones.
DOCTORS. Are you one? Thanks for what you and your colleagues do, every day. Oh, my advice? Of course, I agree that people reading this should talk to people like you FIRST. Common sense. And pleasse notice my information is accurate, and I wrote "Don't copy what I do, OK?"
EVERYBODY ELSE: Your writer is 73 years YOUNG. Me. Here's something to consider. I take ONE pill each day. It's called Lisinopril. About ten cents a day. That's it. Know anybody about my age? You? Ten cents a day for my medicine "budget." Maybe a buck a day for a bunch of my other pills. Great bargain for my HEALTH. Hope you are HEALTHY, also.
I am not "here," right now of course, but if you post a Comment or especially have a question for me, I'll return and reply to you, for sure. What I'm hoping is that you will find the answer you are seeking right here in one of the Topics I wrote about. Because I wrote this Blog to HELP PEOPLE such as yourself. It's about LIFE, DEATH, and some of the things in between -- that happened to me. Click below, PLEASE.
The Beginning begins here === My FIRST post - an Introduction - if you landed here, CLICK THIS ONE NEXT.
SUICIDE AIN'T PAINLESS === It hurts everyone who gets left behind.
STOP beating up little kids! === Make him STOP. Call NOW. 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453)
Were you RAPED? Stop hiding. Tell someone TODAY === Call 1-800-656-HOPE (1-800-656-4673).
GUYS ONLY: Am I gay? === Where will YOU go in life as a PERSON?
Is DIVORCE the cure for a bad marriage? === Stop thinking of yourself, THINK OF YOUR CHILDREN.
YOU ARE HERE ===> CANCER takes a piece of everyone. === An ounce of PREVENTION is worth a pound of cure.
Has DEATH knocked on Your Door? === Someone who LOVED YOU really WANTS you to find PEACE.
Don't Ignore your MENTAL HEALTH === I wouldn't make the same MISTAKE I did, if I were YOU.
Get on with YOUR LIFE! === Do something for YOURSELF, YOU know you MUST, so START TODAY.
Please CLICK the small
icon BELOW to send my Blog to someone you know.
This blog honors the memory of my brother, Allan, and my friend, Ron. R.I.P., guys.
Please don't hurt yourself and those who love you. Pick up the phone NOW.
Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 they WILL help.
Tough words, but not as frightening as the sad moment your physician reads the radiologist's report to YOU, or to the person sitting next to you. They found "something." Next step, they will cut you, and remove part of the CANCER. It's called a biopsy.
Might not be worth doing if the CANCER cells are going to kill you, because it is a very dangerous type of CANCER that usually cannot be treated successfully. Or because it has METASTASIZED. That's a big Doctor's word. S/he knows what THAT means, and might use a simple phrase. How about "We may be TOO LATE, because the CANCER has SPREAD. We will do everything we can, to save your LIFE." Can they? Maybe. Do they? They'll try.
People who spend their lives learning their profession, and USE their knowledge and skill to fix something deserve every red cent they earn. Plumbers, Architects, EMTs, Firefighters, many, many others. But the Medical profession is one of the special ones. The people who earn their place within Medicine have my admiration. And those who must deliver such awful news has a tough, stressful job. Because they have to do that over and over. I could NEVER do what they must do. Even ONCE.
CANCER is what it is. It's called a "disease," but I prefer to think of it as NON-contagious CONDITION, Even innocent CHILDREN "get" CANCER. Tragic, unfair. But Medical intervention is able to get a poor kid back from disaster, through recovery more often these days. New treatment plans, new "medicines." Side effects, who cares? A little child is SAVED, and that's a Happy Ending. Perfect!
CANCER can spread if it has enough time to grow. My (step)FATHER banished the Sadist from us when he came into our lives. "Red" (his nickname) did everything for us, from Day One. So I LOVED him, enough to be at his bedside at the moment he died. Ugly, ugly scene, forever. I have to say this. A 200+ pound MAN was, at the end, a (barely) living SKELETON. Enough.
MEDICAL SCIENCE, as practiced by the people you see in the hospital, offers HOPE. However, the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical INDUSTRY needs to hear some words, right NOW, And here they are: NONE OF THE (so-called by activists) "Big Pharma" companies GIVES A RAT'S BEHIND ABOUT ANYTHING EXCEPT M-O-N-E-Y.
WALL STREET limits what BIG PHARMA can do. Period. The stock price MUST not go DOWN, never. Because "investors," like the Big (ugh) BANKS, will sell. So what, you say. Here's what. There are many RARE conditions/diseases around, ignored, with NO research underway. Money again? Very good guess, and that should make people angry. Hey, the "Government" can fix it? Get real. The government is US. YOU and I, and every citizen. Has the FDA
SAD FACT. The reality is that there isn't enough MONEY to be made from some diseases/conditions to cover the research costs. Why bother trying to develop a pill to help very few people? Well, MY answer would be to alleviate suffering, and save lives. Every word I write is MEANT. Every hour of every day, someone DIES because "there isn't enough money in it, so forget it." I'll wager that sentence can be found on many documents in BIG PHARMA file cabinets. DISGRACEFUL. Enough.
THE CURE. Here's something I've always wondered about. A ZILLION pills. All kinds of diseases and conditions, like CANCER. How many actually just TREAT the problem, but NEVER FIX IT. Oooh, MONEY again? You can bet your LIFE on THAT, because you ARE. Wall Street bets, also. A CURE? Hey, I am a cynic. Why would BIG PHARMA do if they CURED some big human destroyer? No more pills, no more MONEY. You're thinking, "What about POLIO?" A triumph of two Doctors named Salk and Sabin, who stopped kids from SUFFERING. Back then, Wall Street was too busy investing in DEATH, Billions to buy military stuff to defeat the Commies.
Might not be a problem with the WALL STREET PIGS. After all, BIG PHARMA can go on, banging out plenty (TOO MANY) OPIOIDS. You may have heard this in the news. Drug addicts abuse them, and DIE. But don't worry, BIG PHARMA has a CURE. Because they can make MONEY, selling a CURE, for the problem they CREATED. Only in America.
PREVENTION. I'll tell you that can beis the real CURE for anything, To borrow a phrase, used to caution drug abusers, JUST SAY NO to JUNK "FOOD." Just STOP, right NOW, and think. Are you eating your way to SICKNESS? Next time you buy food, buy HEALTHY STUFF. Spend more time in the Produce section. Yes, fruits and veggies, sorry. Less room in the csrt by the time you get to the aisles YOU must AVOID. Boxes, boxes, boxes.
EXPENSIVE processed food with a list of cheap ingredients that require lots of work in the FOOD FACTORY. I said lots of WORK, not lots of WORKERS. Yes, your meal was prepared and boxed by a MACHINE. More money for Wall Street, junk food for YOU. Only if you let them do it, by falling for their expensive TV ads, paid for when you load your cart with their boxes. One thing I do. I take NO CHANCES with my HEALTH.
For all my life, I have taken pills. VITAMINS and other stuff. Boring, but please read on, because I am trying to HELP YOU, but you must HELP YOURSELF. Don't copy what I do, OK? But at least consider doing something for YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. Mine defends ME, and YOU need to think. If it can't overcome the next bug that bites, you get SICK. Help YOURSELF, OK?
1. A MULTI VITAMIN/MINERAL SUPPLEMENT. Different formulation for gals/guys.
--- Unless you eat a "perfect" diet, this is like "insurance."
2. TURMERIC. If you only can/want to take one antioxidant. A powder form can be added to food.
--- The "most powerful anti-oxidant" (IMMUNE SYSTEM booster) there is, many say.
3. ZINC. It works. Viruses alter themselves to spread better. Lots of "Cold viruses" out there.
--- If exposed previously to an old one, you're immune. A new one comes along, uh-oh.
4. B-COMPLEX. It doubles the B vitamins in the multi-vitamin. It's an energy booster for ME.
5. VITAMIN C. I still think Linus Pauling was right. An IMMUNE SYSTEM booster.
6. VITAMIN D3. IF YOU DON'T GO OUT IN THE SUNSHINE (Winter, maybe?) Vitamin D3.
The ONLY vitamin produced by your body (and sunshine), to use of calcium for your bones.
Doctors now test for D, because people can lose calcium as the body steals calcium from bones.
DOCTORS. Are you one? Thanks for what you and your colleagues do, every day. Oh, my advice? Of course, I agree that people reading this should talk to people like you FIRST. Common sense. And pleasse notice my information is accurate, and I wrote "Don't copy what I do, OK?"
EVERYBODY ELSE: Your writer is 73 years YOUNG. Me. Here's something to consider. I take ONE pill each day. It's called Lisinopril. About ten cents a day. That's it. Know anybody about my age? You? Ten cents a day for my medicine "budget." Maybe a buck a day for a bunch of my other pills. Great bargain for my HEALTH. Hope you are HEALTHY, also.
I am not "here," right now of course, but if you post a Comment or especially have a question for me, I'll return and reply to you, for sure. What I'm hoping is that you will find the answer you are seeking right here in one of the Topics I wrote about. Because I wrote this Blog to HELP PEOPLE such as yourself. It's about LIFE, DEATH, and some of the things in between -- that happened to me. Click below, PLEASE.
The Beginning begins here === My FIRST post - an Introduction - if you landed here, CLICK THIS ONE NEXT.
SUICIDE AIN'T PAINLESS === It hurts everyone who gets left behind.
STOP beating up little kids! === Make him STOP. Call NOW. 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453)
Were you RAPED? Stop hiding. Tell someone TODAY === Call 1-800-656-HOPE (1-800-656-4673).
GUYS ONLY: Am I gay? === Where will YOU go in life as a PERSON?
Is DIVORCE the cure for a bad marriage? === Stop thinking of yourself, THINK OF YOUR CHILDREN.
YOU ARE HERE ===> CANCER takes a piece of everyone. === An ounce of PREVENTION is worth a pound of cure.
Has DEATH knocked on Your Door? === Someone who LOVED YOU really WANTS you to find PEACE.
Don't Ignore your MENTAL HEALTH === I wouldn't make the same MISTAKE I did, if I were YOU.
Get on with YOUR LIFE! === Do something for YOURSELF, YOU know you MUST, so START TODAY.
Please CLICK the small
This blog honors the memory of my brother, Allan, and my friend, Ron. R.I.P., guys.
Please don't hurt yourself and those who love you. Pick up the phone NOW.
Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255 they WILL help.
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